Dávid Smid

Toward an Understanding of Pre-Service English Teachers’ Motivation: The Case of Hungary

Pedagogical Implications

This study has a number of practical implications. Some of them pertain to the work of instructors involved in initial English teacher education programs in Hungary. First, the findings showed that tutors’ attitudes toward students matter when it comes to the latter’s motivation. Based on the collected data, positive attitudes can be conveyed via providing constructive feedback, adapting the course content to students’ needs, delivering the course content in an enthusiastic manner, and creating a positive classroom atmosphere. Closely connected to the topic, attitudes toward students, another pedagogical implication is that tutors need to be aware of the differences among their students in terms of L2 competence, and consider adopting classroom practices that can benefit all the students in a given class. What pointed to the importance of this topic was the relative diversity of students with respect to their sense of L2 competence in Study 1 and Study 3. Further, the negative, potentially motivation-impeding emotion, L2 anxiety, emerged in all three studies with the data indicating that there are students who were too afraid to participate in the classroom actively. According to empirical research (e.g., MacIntyre & Vincze, 2017; Piniel & Csizér, 2013), the creation and maintenance of a safe and positive classroom atmosphere can help with such cases. Third, the research findings also pointed to the importance of self-regulation when it comes to pre-service English teachers’ executive motivation. Although the use of such a capacity is up to the student’s own will, as Dörnyei and Ushioda (2013) suggest, instructors can assume a mediating role. That is, they can not only draw their students’ attention to the use of the various self-regulatory strategies, but also provide occasional reminders of the benefits of the strategies in question (Dörnyei & Ushioda, 2013). A fourth pedagogical implication relates to the fact that career intention was found to be dependent on the instructional environment as well as to predict extracurricular L2 use in Study 3. Given the strong link found between students’ career intention and future L2 teacher self in Study 1, this means that tutors might have the chance to strengthen their students’ future self-conception of being an in-service English teacher. Thus, they can potentially incite them to engage in L2 use in their free time as well. While, to my knowledge, there have been no intervention studies on the adoption of imagery enhancement techniques (see, Dörnyei & Kubanyiova, 2014; Dörnyei & Ushioda, 2013) involving pre-service or in-service English teachers, there exist several empirical pieces within the field of FLA with promising outcomes (e.g., Chan, 2014; Magid, 2014).

Toward an Understanding of Pre-Service English Teachers’ Motivation: The Case of Hungary


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2022

ISBN: 978 963 454 818 8

In this monograph, the findings of a mixed-methods, multi-perspective empirical study targeting the motivation of Hungarian pre-service English teachers are presented and discussed. When it comes to the Hungarian context, the importance of the topic is indicated by issues, such as the ongoing workforce shortage in the public education sector and the latest reforming of the initial teacher education system. The present investigation sheds light on the complexity of Hungarian pre-service English teachers’ motivation, which was found to be a bipartite construct interrelated with cognitive, emotional, and social processes. It also offers insights into the motivating capacity of the undivided pre-service English teacher education program as well as the extent to which the initial teacher education system is effective with respect to its student recruitment policy. As such, this monograph might be beneficial to researchers, university instructors, mentor teachers, and educational policymakers alike.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/smid-toward-an-understanding-of-pre-service-english-teachers-motivation-the-case-of-hungary//

