Csaba Csiszár, Bálint Csonka, Dávid Földes

Innovative Passenger Transportation Systems

Modelling the behaviour of smart travellers

The ability to communicate and learn things made humans the most successful and powerful animal on the planet. The human brain has advanced cognitive capacities and the ability to store and process information. The brain connects information from various sources and eases contradictions within the collected information. Our current cognitive capacity is the result of several thousand years of evolution, while in the field of telematics a significant improvement in the storage, process and communication capacity of hardware and network components was realised only in the past few decades. The brain alone cannot serve current information demands due to the high volumes of information. Machine learning is the only learning mechanism that keeps up with the exponential development of technology and supports the human understanding of environment. Therefore, it is necessary to apply external processor units (i.e., computers) in smart systems because of aspects of security and comfort, among other things.

Innovative Passenger Transportation Systems


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2019

ISBN: 978 963 059 941 2

Transportation systems are complex and dynamic systems which are influenced by the advancement of economy, society, environment and technology. The application of novel solutions in vehicle and information technologies and the need for sustainability result in significant changes that alter travellers’ behaviours, too. In this book, the concepts, correspondences, technologies, fields of application and further development directions related to passenger transportation systems, travel modes and operation are examined. Since the passenger transportation system is transforming more and more into a special automated information system, the book deals with the modelling methods of complex information systems and the application of models related to transportation. We present, evaluate and compare novel travel modes and solutions and give a realistic scenario for the upcoming changes and opportunities. This book is the result of our continuous research. Primarily, we synthesize the long-standing knowledge that is the basic requirement of a master course (MSc). Hence, we use a high level of abstraction. We consider it important that MSc students realize the logical correspondences focusing on systems and processes, building on the knowledge they acquired previously, during their BSc courses. Thus, the graduates can take a significant part in the operational management, as well as the planning, research, development and innovation of complex systems.

Key words: innovation, informatics, system, infocommunication, passenger transportation, structural model, functional model, dynamism, integration, multimodality, travel chains, mobility service, shared mobility, electromobility, autonomous vehicles, smart traveller

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/csiszar-csonka-foldes-innovative-passenger-transportation-systems//

