Navracsics Judit, Bátyi Szilvia (szerk.)

Nyelvek, nyelvváltozatok, következmények I.

Nyelvoktatás, nyelvelsajátítás, nyelvhasználat, fonetika és fonológia


Upon listening to their own recordings, of the students who reflected on their fluency in their comments, 45% were in some way satisfied with it. The comments did not specify what makes them sound fluent, but words like lucid, clear, enjoyable, and natural were often associated with it. Some more specific comments included “I was content with the pace,” “I liked that I didn’t stop completely, instead I tried to describe it in another way,” and “I did not use the Hungarian /ő/ sound too often as a filler,” while some students were happy about speaking for more than one minute or not stopping too often. The remaining 55% had some problem with their fluency, and apart from simply stating that they were not fluent enough, the problems were more specified in some cases. The reasons included using fillers or pausing too often and repeating words. Other complaints included “words don’t come to my mouth,” the fact that they cannot organize the message as quickly as they would like to or that there are hesitations referred to as breaks and fragmented speech. So, more than half of the students were not satisfied with their performance, and the majority of these students were able to say exactly why, which is evidence of the fact that they have already reflected on their fluency and if they had the time, energy or opportunity to improve it, they would probably know what the problem areas are. 

Nyelvek, nyelvváltozatok, következmények I.


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2022

ISBN: 978 963 454 873 7

A tanulmánykötet a XXVIII. Magyar Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Kongresszuson elhangzott előadások írott, lektorált változatát tartalmazza a „nyelvek, nyelvváltozatok, következmények” témaköréhez kapcsolódva; egyúttal betekintést nyújt az alkalmazott nyelvészet legújabb kutatási eredményeibe. A könyvben található a plenáris előadás (a két- és többnyelvű fejlődésről 5 éves korig) szövege, valamint a nyelvoktatás, nyelvelsajátítás, nyelvhasználat, fonetika és fonológia területére eső tanulmányok.


