Albert Ágnes, Bóna Judit, Borbás Gabriella Dóra, Brdar-Szabó Rita, Csizér Kata, Vladár Zsuzsa (szerk.)

Fejezetek az alkalmazott nyelvészet területéről


The major concerns and the diachronic changes identified in the above keyword analysis and collocation analysis by and large can be anticipated. The several categories summarized from the collocates of “China” are all pertinent to the five fundamental challenges China is facing in its military development. The finding that CMPRs tend to acknowledge the PRC as the sole legitimate representative of China is consistent with the status quo that the PRC is sufficiently salient in the international community while the ROC’s international recognition is historically low. Besides, given China’s consistent efforts in pursuing military modernization and increasing military budget that is benefited from its great success in economy, increases in both military capabilities and activities, as well as reduced reliance on Russian weapons are not hard to foresee. It can be expected as well that China’s growing military power is further associated with the US because growth in power always comes with growing need for development space and this undoubtedly would affect the strong presence of the U.S. in East Asia and its globally distributed interests. Similarly, it is not surprising to see that the increase in other types of military activities of China and the increasing direct entanglement (including communication, cooperation, and confrontation) between China and the U.S. give rise to the toning down of the TAIWAN issue in the military agenda of China. Furthermore, the relatively positive prosody found in HU can also be speculated considering the close military cooperation between the two countries in tackling terrorism (Lu, 2020) during the Hu Jintao period and China’s deeper participation in the international trading system led by the US since its WTO entry in 2001. However, the long-lasting negative attitude held by CMPRs towards China’s military strategies and its moves against Taiwan is beyond the expectation of this study.

Fejezetek az alkalmazott nyelvészet területéről


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2023

ISBN: 978 963 454 891 1

Jelen kötet az ELTE BTK azon tudományos műhelyeinek az összefogásával jött létre, amelyek elkötelezett támogatói a felelős nyelvészetnek. A kezdeményezés célja teret adni olyan tág értelemben vett alkalmazott nyelvészeti kutatások bemutatásának, amelyek konkrét nyelvhasználati/nyelvi/kommunikációs társadalmi problémákat elemeznek, és azokra reális megoldást javasolnak nyelvészeti eszközökkel, interdiszciplináris megközelítésben. Elsősorban a kevésbé ismert alkalmazott nyelvészeti kutatások megismertetése a cél, vagy pedig a még ismeretlen (nem közismert) nyelvi dilemmák megvitatása, valamint ismert problémák új, innovatív elemzése megoldási javaslatok felmutatásával.


