6.4.5. The intermediate procedure

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

The function of the interlocutory proceedings is to ensure that the competent court is satisfied that the suspicions are well-founded or that the charge is appropriate. The procedure is as follows:

Jegyzet elhelyezéséhez, kérjük, lépj be.!

  • the prosecutor submits the indictment to the court with jurisdiction (indictment)1 and requests the accused to state any evidence or objections within the prescribed time limit; 2
  • in the case of a mandatory defence, the president must appoint a defence counsel for a defendant who does not have an authorised defence counsel;
  • the court decides on the motions and objections raised by the accused;
  • the court may order an individual taking of evidence in order to clarify the facts more thoroughly, against whose decision there is no right of appeal;
  • the court decides in closed session to open or close the court proceedings.3
1 The accused shall be deemed to have been charged from that date.
2 The right of defence is therefore already given at this stage of the procedure.
3 Herke (2011) ibid. 40.
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