Tibor Faragó

Our Common Environment and Globalization

Shadows and Hopes

The evaluation of environmental and sustainable development governance

So many initiatives associated with holding conferences/forums, establishing organizations, elaborating programs, and agreements have been woven through the century-long history of global environmental cooperation.1 Many of those international organizations are currently still active (at most, their mandate has been changed/widened), some of the programs are ongoing now and/or have been renewed, and numerous such agreements have remained in force (but in many cases, with an expanded scope, more stringent goals and additional means of implementation). However, their simple existence (either when they were ‘born’ or later prolonged/strengthened) does not mean that they are sufficient, that is, that their current mandate, scope, concrete goals, and provisions are adequate to address the respective environmental hazards as known by the science of the time or to contribute better to their resolution as scientific awareness increases.2 Therefore, an evaluation of the current state of environmental governance – based on the effectiveness of its main components and actual ‘performance’ – can help with judging what the international community should do more of to mitigate increasingly adverse widespread environmental impacts and avoid potential new ones in due time.

Our Common Environment and Globalization


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2024

ISBN: 978 963 664 076 7

Globalization has had significant and severe impacts on the Earth’s environment, which is the common home of all human societies, and on which state and resources the life and the well-being of present and future generations depend. This book is devoted to the analysis of the evolution of the environmental globalization process, its drivers and dangerous consequences, and the development of international environmental scientific and policy cooperation. The most important international organizations, programs, and agreements are presented that deal with global environmental problems, and their effectiveness is also evaluated. Based on this comprehensive overview, the most essential conclusions and lessons are defined.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/farago-our-common-environment-and-globalization//

