János Barcsák, Márta Pellérdi

English literature 1660-1900

The Poetry of the Restoration Period: John Dryden (1631-1700)

The greatest poet of the Restoration era was undoubtedly John Dryden; so much so that in literary history the period between the Restoration and the turn of the eighteenth century is also often referred to as the “Age of Dryden”. Indeed his poetic career almost completely corresponds to this historical period, his first mature poems dating from 1658 and 1660 and his last great publication, Fables Ancient and Modern, coming out in 1700, the year of his death. Moreover, his poetic career is also very closely linked to the major political, historical events of his time: the London plague of 1665, the Great Fire of London (1666), the second Anglo-Dutch wars of 1665-67, the Exclusion Bill crisis of 1679-81, James II’s accession (1685) and the Glorious Revolution (1689). These events played a major role in his personal as well as professional life. His characteristic poetry was not written in the lyrical mode that we usually associate poetry with today; most of it is public poetry, written on a particular occasion, with a particular political or other public purpose. In almost all of his best writing, he mobilized his poetic powers to serve didactic (political, ecclesiastical, or philosophical) ends, taking part in the public debates and power struggles of his day. In other words, Dryden was – perhaps more than any other English poet – a poet of his age.

English literature 1660-1900


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2018

ISBN: 978 963 454 261 2

A history of the English literature is presented here, with a scope on the years 1660 to 1900. The book is written in three main parts; beginning with the Restoration Period of the 17th century, followed by the first, and second halves of the 18th century. Thus, a sequential development of literary genres is presented, with explorations of the key figures and texts which drove these. The book also synthesises the historical, cultural and sociological background which gave rise to this literature, and allows the reader to effectively contextualise these.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/barcsak-pellerdi-english-literature-1660-1900//

