Judit Muráth (szerk.)

Hungarian Lexicography III

LSP Lexicography

Categorisation of technological dictionaries according to languages

In the case of foreign specialised dictionaries, on the one hand the number of languages – in this respect we may distinguish mono-, bi- and multilingual dictionaries – is a significant data, while on the other hand, in the case of bi- and multilingual specialised dictionaries of a given field, the source and target languages, in most cases English, French, German, and Russian besides Hungarian, indicate the trends of mediation concerning international scientific and technological knowledge. The early stage of compiling technological dictionaries in Hungary was characterised by the ambition to establish the sovereign usage of Hungarian scientific language and the vocabulary of trades, which were mostly introduced with the mediation of the German language within the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Thus the first bilingual specialised dictionaries, initially German–Hungarian, were published including fields such as printing (Szilády 1982, Pusztai 1902), mining (Pettkó 1845, Szabó 1848, Péch 1879, Szeőke 1903), rail (Ozoray 1872, Révész 1885–1886, Görgey 1886–1887), shipping (Kenessey 1865, Rónay 1917) and flight (Nagy Aeoro-Szövetség 1920). The role of German language in editing scientific and technological dictionaries remained important along with the vigorous expansion of English at the end of the 20th century. This tendency can be observed in the trilingual (Hungarian, German, English) dictionaries of architecture (Urban–Soós 2002, Urban 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011) and the automobile industry (Auto Parts-X-Meditor Ltd., on-line). Russian language emerged from the 1950s on in several volumes of the Technical Dictionary Series presenting terms and expressions in three languages (Hungarian, German, Russian: Palotás 1959) or four languages (Hungarian, English, German, Russian: Varga–Széchy–Kézdy–Lazányi 1960, Barta–Kozma 1964, Rédey– Klár 1969, Nagy–Medek–Klár–1971, Frigyes 1973, Székely–Szepesi 1980, Redl–Oldal 1983).

Hungarian Lexicography III


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2021

ISBN: 978 963 454 696 2

The present volume introduces us in the history of Hungarian mono-, bi-, and multilingual LSP lexicography, its theoretical evolution, outlines its broader and narrower fields of research and the tasks ahead. Moreover, the studies have undertaken to investigate and give an account of the history of lexicography covering various special fields and providing a critical analysis of the dictionaries involved. Last but not least, the new technology extending the concept of LSP lexicography is presented.

A kötet bevezet bennünket a magyar egy-, két- és többnyelvű szaklexikográfia történetébe, elméletének kibontakozásába, vázolja szűkebb és tágabb kutatási területeit és megvalósítandó feladatait. A tanulmányok ezen túlmenően felvállalták néhány kiemelt szakterület szótártörténetének kikutatását, bemutatását, a felkutatott szótárak kritikai elemzését, de sor kerül az új technológia bemutatására és ezáltal a szaklexikográfia fogalmának kitágítására is.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/murath-hungarian-lexicography-3//

