Judit Bóna (ed.)

(Dis)fluencies in children’s speech


The present study analyzed the production of /s/ and /ʃ/ of two children from a longitudinal aspect in four recordings in an interval of two years. One adult speaker (the children’s mother) was also recorded and analyzed as an adult control. She was recorded only once. In each case, we recorded midsagittal ultrasound tongue contours and speech synchronously. The children were both typically developing.

(Dis)fluencies in children’s speech


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2021

ISBN: 978 963 454 709 9

Disfluencies (filled pauses, filler words, repetitions, part-word repetitions, prolongations, broken words, and revisions) are natural phenomena of everyday speech. They are insights on the speech planning processes indicating speech planning difficulties or self-monitoring, and play an important role in turn-taking during conversations. The occurrences of disfluencies in speech are affected by several factors. One of these is the speaker’s age. This volume is a collection of nine articles on the topic of speech planning and speech production of children from the aspects of fluency, disfluency, speech tempo, and pausing. The volume is recommended to linguists, experts of phonetics and psycholinguistics, speech and language therapists, university students, child language specialists, and everybody who is interested in child language

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/bona-disfluencies-in-childrens-speech//

