Attila Oláh

Anxiety, Coping, and Flow

Empirical studies in interactional perspective

Culture, Age and Sex as Moderating Factors for Expected Consequences in Achievement-Demanding and Socially Evaluative Situations

In research on stress and anxiety, the role of situational characteristics as perceived by the individual has recently been emphasized (Magnusson, 1982). Starting from an interactional perspective, Magnusson pointed to the need for more systematic and detailed knowledge concerning the perceived qualities of situations as an important determinant of behavior (Magnusson, 1981a). In such an interactional model, behavior is seen as the result of a continuous and bi-directional person-situation interaction process (Magnusson & Endler, 1977). A crucial role in this process is assigned to the perceptual-cognitive system of the individual. This system determines which situations to seek or to avoid, which elements in a situation to attend to, the appraisal of these elements and the strategies used to cope with demands and threats (Lazarus, 1966; Lazarus, 1976; Lazarus & Launier, 1978; Averill, 1979).

Anxiety, Coping, and Flow


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2021

ISBN: 978 963 454 707 5

This volume follows a decade of empirical research on how we can cope with the negative effects of life including our own negative emotions and feelings of incompetence, and how we can mobilize consciously – always remaining in reality – what environmental and inner personal sources to change our stressful world into a place enriching our self and development with optimal experiences.


