Attila Oláh

Anxiety, Coping, and Flow

Empirical studies in interactional perspective

Discussion and Conclusions

Summarizing the results of the present study, it may be said that adolescent boys and girls from different countries and cultures at different ages appear to be differentially sensitive to the threatening aspects of achievement-demanding and socially evaluative situations. Different kinds of expected outcomes for evaluative situations – most notably personal inadequacy, punishment and shame – also appear to be moderated by factors like nationality, age and sex of the respondents. Notwithstanding the differences, the category evaluative situations turns out to be among the most frequently mentioned activating conditions associated with anxiety by both boys and girls, countries and ages combined. On the expected consequence side, the same is true for personal inadequacy as the most frequently experienced threatening outcome. Analyzing developmental trends for situation-outcome contingencies, it appears that evaluative-punishment gradually decreases, while evaluative-inadequacy increases over the age span. These age trends are similar to some extent for both sexes, all countries combined.

Anxiety, Coping, and Flow


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2021

ISBN: 978 963 454 707 5

This volume follows a decade of empirical research on how we can cope with the negative effects of life including our own negative emotions and feelings of incompetence, and how we can mobilize consciously – always remaining in reality – what environmental and inner personal sources to change our stressful world into a place enriching our self and development with optimal experiences.


