Attila Oláh

Anxiety, Coping, and Flow

Empirical studies in interactional perspective

Freud’s Anxiety Theory After 1926

Freud explains his new concept of anxiety in his book titled “Inhibitions, symptoms and anxiety”, and in his Lecture 32. The central idea of his anxiety concept valid since 1926 is that the only point where anxiety is anchored is the ego. The ego is an element of the psychic apparatus, which signals the existence of danger, defends it, perceives danger consciously, takes the precautionary measures, “the ego is the sole seat of anxiety” ergo “the ego alone can produce and feel anxiety” (Inhibitions, symptoms and anxiety, p. 320). As a consequence of the structural model the ego is threatened in three ways: danger can come from the outer world, from the id, and from the superego. In his lecture “The dissection of psychical personality” he writes: “We are warned by a proverb against serving two masters at the same time. The poor ego has things even worse: it serves three severe masters and does what it can to bring their claims and demands into harmony with one another. These claims are always divergent and often seem incompatible. No wonder that the ego so often fails in its task. Its three tyrannical masters are the external world, the super-ego and the id. When we follow the ego’s efforts to satisfy them simultaneously – or rather to obey them simultaneously – we cannot feel any regret at having personified this ego and having set it up as a separate organism. It feels hemmed in on three sides, threatened by three kinds of danger, to which, it is hard pressed, it reacts by generating anxiety... If the ego is obliged to admit its weakness, it breaks out in anxiety – realistic anxiety regarding the external world, moral anxiety regarding the super-ego and neurotic anxiety regarding the strength of the passions in the id.” (pp. 110–111). Initially anxiety appears as the signal of the possible expectable danger in each area, and it persuades the ego to intervene.

Anxiety, Coping, and Flow


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2021

ISBN: 978 963 454 707 5

This volume follows a decade of empirical research on how we can cope with the negative effects of life including our own negative emotions and feelings of incompetence, and how we can mobilize consciously – always remaining in reality – what environmental and inner personal sources to change our stressful world into a place enriching our self and development with optimal experiences.


