Gősi Zsuzsanna, Magyar Márton (szerk.)

A tanulás-tanítás folyamatának sajátosságai sport(os) nézőpontból

Aspects forming perception of teaching as a career

Besides the motivation for choosing teaching as a career, the questionnaire also focuses on the “Perception of teaching as a career”. It examines the question via three main issues: prestige of the profession, advantages and disadvantages of the profession, assessment of the profession. Prestige and assessment of teaching as a profession is quite complex. On the one hand, we can connect teaching as a profession to the phenomenon of “engagement” that expresses an internal urge (Hajdú 2001). This can motivate employers to stay at educational institutions despite difficult financial situation or additional costs. On the other hand, prestige cannot be measured only financially because this profession provides a sort of symbolic capital for teachers – it is noticeable especially in smaller towns or villages, and where the institution–parent relationship is strong. Assessment of the profession’s prestige and its perception can be originated not only in economic, but also in cultural aspects. A research carried out among Greek students (Kabai 2006) about career perceptions and changes in it showed that at the beginning of the teacher training, expectations about the career are based on individual experiences (from student life or based on the behaviour of former teachers). Literature in the topic highlights teaching practice as an essential factor in forming career perception. It can be seen as a relevant turning point during the training for two reasons. First, in the course of teaching practice pre-service teachers can develop their skills and lexical knowledge, as well. Second, teaching practice is the place where career perceptions and the identity of a teacher is forming, developing (Kozma 2004). A research carried out among Turkish students (Kılınç et al. 2012) showed that difficulties experienced during teaching practice (e.g. discipline problems or workload) can lead to lower rates in employing as a teacher. However, in Hungarian studies the prestige of teaching as a career shows a lower status (Biró et al. 2002), it represents a significant social mobilization power. In Hungary the choice of teaching as a profession also means social advancement, it represents becoming an intellectual – the main function of teacher training is the education of first generational intellectuals (Holecz–Csongrádi 2009; Jancsák 2011). Several studies report that university students’ opinion about social or financial prestige of teaching cannot be considered positive. In opposition to other jobs requiring university degree, teaching seems to stay at the bottom of the ranking – at the top we can find lawyers, doctors and economists, in contrast with professions in different fields of pedagogy (Kozma 1995; Simon 2006; Karavas–Drossou 2009). Financial and social prestige are commonly referred motifs in Hungarian research studying career perceptions of teaching (Jancsák 2013; Jancsák 2014). Numerous studies among university students point out that the perception of the profession has a strong connection with their future intentions. Assessment by those who choose teaching and are planning to stay at the profession is more positive (Schutz et. al. 2001; Ellis 2003; Hirschi et al. 2011). Out of Hungarian studies focusing on satisfaction with choice, N. Kollár says: according to students, empathy and authenticity are the most important factors, regarding personal characteristics (Nagy 2001). His study was carried out with the help of university students who were the firsts in ELTE’s Bologna system teacher training program. They were asked about their attitudes related to the profession and about their satisfaction with the education they have got so far. By analysing certain aspects of satisfaction with teaching as a profession, Chrappán reveals the characteristics of motivation and also the main components of job satisfaction in different student groups. According to him, the overall student picture is heterogenic regarding their study fields (Chrappán 2013). This heterogeneity is also confirmed by Németh’s research on a sample of full-time teacher education students at two universities, according to which the pedagogical activity of kindergarten teacher and teacher candidates is embodied in the emotional and social education of children, while among teacher candidates it is more in the transfer of professional knowledge (Németh 2012). He worked with full-time trainee teachers and the results show that in case of kindergarten and primary school teachers, teacher activity is embodied in the emotional and social education of children, while in case of secondary school teachers it is the scientific knowledge transfer (Nagy 1998).

A tanulás-tanítás folyamatának sajátosságai sport(os) nézőpontból


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2023

ISBN: 978 963 454 907 9

Az ELTE Egészségfejlesztési és Sporttudományi Intézete évek óta jelentet meg szakkönyveket, amelyek a sporttudomány aktuális kérdéseire keresik a választ. A mostani kötet címe sokat elárul a tartalomról: „A tanulás–tanítás folyamat sajátosságai sport(os) nézőpontból” – azaz a hangsúly ebben a kiadványban elsősorban kifejezetten az oktatás tapasztalataira helyeződött. Egészen új módszerek (mint a MIP-NPET mentorprogram), területek (mint a női labdarúgás edzői munkája) és kritikus időszakot megélő szervezeti formák (kosárlabda-akadémiák), illetve a speciális edzőképzés alkotják a kötet témáit. Fontos kiegészítőként jelenik meg a mozgásterápia gyógyító alkalmazása, továbbá a pandémia hatása a szponzorációra. A szerzők, akik többségében az ELTE oktatói, nagyon alapos munkát végeztek. Az adott témakör elméleti és gyakorlati oldalát is bemutatták, és kifejezetten hasznos következtetésekre jutottak.

Melegen ajánljuk ezt a kötetet a sportok, különösen a sportoktatás iránt érdeklődőknek, illetve mindazoknak, akiket a sport különböző aspektusai érdekelnek.Prof. em. Bárdos György

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/gosi-magyar-a-tanulas-tanitas-folyamat-sajatossagai-sportos-nezopontbol//

