János Barcsák, Márta Pellérdi

English literature 1660-1900

Tom Jones as a novel of development

Hypocrites also abound in Fielding’s most successful novel, The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling. Fielding had probably worked on the text for several years. The story of Tom Jones is set in 1745, the year of the Jacobite Rebellion and also the year when the author may have started writing the novel. Nevertheless, it is remarkable that while he was composing the novel, he was also pursuing a busy, but not too remunerative professional legal career. In the autumn of 1748, he was appointed justice of the peace of Westminster and Middlesex, which gave him even more legal cases to tackle and less time to prepare the text of Tom Jones for publication.1 Nevertheless it was finally published in February, 1749.

English literature 1660-1900


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2018

ISBN: 978 963 454 261 2

A history of the English literature is presented here, with a scope on the years 1660 to 1900. The book is written in three main parts; beginning with the Restoration Period of the 17th century, followed by the first, and second halves of the 18th century. Thus, a sequential development of literary genres is presented, with explorations of the key figures and texts which drove these. The book also synthesises the historical, cultural and sociological background which gave rise to this literature, and allows the reader to effectively contextualise these.

Hivatkozás: https://mersz.hu/barcsak-pellerdi-english-literature-1660-1900//

