Attila Oláh

Anxiety, Coping, and Flow

Empirical studies in interactional perspective


The basis for the construction of the instrument used in this investigation was self-reports of anxiety provoking situations given by 2,176 pre- to postadolescent boys and girls in Hungary, India, Sweden and Yemen. Each subject was requested to provide three descriptions of common everyday situations in their present lives that first came to their mind as threatening. Subsequently for each situation they explained why they felt anxious. This situation set was content analyzed and categorized by three independent raters using the scheme worked out by Magnusson & Stattin (1981b). (For detailed information about the categorization see Magnusson & Stattin 1981b, and Magnusson & Oláh, 1981). The twenty most frequent situations have been selected from the total set of situations for further analyses. The twenty situations represent the seven most frequently reported Situation-Outcome Contingency categories: 1.) Evaluative-Personal Inadequacy; 2.) Parent-Separation; 3.) Accident-Physical Injury; 4.) Archaic-Unrealistic; 5.) Animal-Physical Injury; 6.) Dangerous People-Physical Injury; 7.) Parent-Punishment. (The situations and their a priori categorizations are shown in Appendix 2.)

Anxiety, Coping, and Flow


Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó

Online megjelenés éve: 2021

ISBN: 978 963 454 707 5

This volume follows a decade of empirical research on how we can cope with the negative effects of life including our own negative emotions and feelings of incompetence, and how we can mobilize consciously – always remaining in reality – what environmental and inner personal sources to change our stressful world into a place enriching our self and development with optimal experiences.


