Technology in English teaching
The Hungarian university context
- Technology in English teaching • The Hungarian university context
- Copyright page
- Series editors’ foreword
- Acknowledgements
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Theoretical and Empirical Background
- 2.1. Terminology
- 2.2. Theoretical Background
- 2.3. Towards ICT Integration Into Education
- 2.4. Enablers and Barriers of ICT Inclusion in Education
- 2.5. Empirical Research Into ICT Inclusion Into Education
- 2.6. The Hungarian Context
- 2.7. Educational Technology Amid Covid-19
- 2.8. Niches and Rationale for Further Research
- 3. Research Methods
- 4. Results and Discussion
- 4.1. Study 1: The Learners’ Questionnaire Study
- 4.2. Study 2: The Instructors’ Questionnaire Study
- 4.3. Study 3: The Learners’ Interview Study
- 4.3.1. The Worldwide Presence of Technology and its Advantages and Disadvantages (Study3RQ1)
- 4.3.2. The Sources of the Learners’ Interest in Technology and ICT Knowledge (Study3RQ2)
- 4.3.3. ICT Integration Into University Instruction (Study3RQ3)
- 4.3.4. Using ICT for Learning Purposes (Study3RQ4)
- 4.3.5. ICT for (Private, Planned, or Ongoing) Teaching Purposes (Study3RQ5)
- 4.3.6. Covid-19-Triggered Changes in ICT Practices (Study3RQ6)
- 4.3.7. Perceived Ways of Future Educational Technology Development (Study3RQ7)
- 4.3.1. The Worldwide Presence of Technology and its Advantages and Disadvantages (Study3RQ1)
- 4.4. Study 4: The Instructors’ Interview Study
- 4.4.1. The Worldwide Presence of Technology and its Advantages and Disadvantages (Study4RQ1)
- 4.4.2. The Sources of the Instructors’ Interest in Technology and ICT Knowledge (Study4RQ2)
- 4.4.3. Instructors’ Expert Thinking Processes Behind Skilful Technology Integration (Study4RQ3)
- 4.4.4. Using ICT for Instructional Purposes (Study4RQ4)
- 4.4.5. ICT Inclusion Into the Education of Future EFL Teachers (Study4RQ5)
- 4.4.6. Covid-19-Triggered Changes in ICT Practices (Study4RQ6)
- 4.4.7. Perceived Ways of Future Educational Technology Development (Study4RQ7)
- 4.4.1. The Worldwide Presence of Technology and its Advantages and Disadvantages (Study4RQ1)
- 4.5. Discussion of Synthesised Findings
- 5. Conclusions
- References
- Appendices
- Appendix A: The English Translation of the Reliable Scales of the Learners’ Pilot Questionnaire
- Appendix B: The English Translation of the Reliable Scales of the Learners’ Main Questionnaire
- Appendix C: The English Translation of the Reliable Scales of the Instructors’ Pilot and Main Questionnaires
- Appendix D: The English Translation of the Learners’ Interview Guide
- Appendix E: Coded Example Segment of the Learners’ Interview and Some Code Samples
- Appendix F: The English Translation of the Instructors’ Interview Guide
- Appendix G: Coded Example Segment of the Instructors’ Interview and Some Code Samples
- Appendix A: The English Translation of the Reliable Scales of the Learners’ Pilot Questionnaire
Kiadó: Akadémiai Kiadó
Online megjelenés éve: 2023
ISBN: 978 963 454 870 6
Sorozat: Alkalmazott nyelvészet a 21. században - Applied Linguistics in the 21st Century
ISSN: 2786-0914
Ez a mű a Creative Commons Nevezd meg! 4.0 Nemzetközi Licenc feltételeinek megfelelően felhasználható.
Involving technology in English as a foreign language learning and teaching processes is a widely researched area of language pedagogy, but comprehensive studies from the Hungarian university educational context are sparse. This monograph investigates into what attitudes Hungarian English Studies / EFL teacher education majors as well as Hungarian university instructors teaching in English Studies and EFL teacher education programmes hold towards technology use for learning and teaching purposes. An additional aim was to collect what the views of learners and instructors are about skilful technology use in support of better student learning. The study applied a mixed methods design involving a pair of questionnaires and a pair of interview studies. The book details why learners and expert instructors find it essential that technological alternatives be introduced skilfully in as many university courses as possible. The book also includes the description of an array of technological tools used by the learner and instructor interview participants in the Hungarian English Studies and EFL teacher education context that can inform instructors why and how to use certain technological tools in their classrooms.